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Greased Lightning
On March 13th the Los Angeles Pool League held our Johnny Cochran Memorial Greased Lightning tournament at the Eagle LA.
Thank you to Charlie and all the staff for taking care of us on Sunday afternoon and evening.
A total of 16 players competed in a race to 2 while under a 15 second shot clock. We had a few unexpected guests who did very well by the end of play.
First place was won by Lauren Ward who came up to play from the Long Beach pool league, 2nd place was won by Brendan Quigley from one of our Jerry's Family Billiards teams and our 3rd place finisher was long time member Scott Holocek who even though not on a roster this season, still came out to support the League and brought a friend visiting from Chicago, Lou.
Another surprise participant was Marty Brennan. Marty was a Captain in our League before moving to beautiful, affordable, slow paced, Rochester, New York with his other half a year or so ago. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the League, remember Johnny and have fun.