Article Archive
Week Six
Dear League Members,
I am sure that everyone has heard of the recent passing of Bill Holland (the owner of Trunks). I am sure each and every one of us had been touched by him in one way or the other over the years whether we knew it or not. Bill was very generous to our league by making substantial cash donations when the league was running short, or his offering of Trunks for 100's of fundraisers over the years.
If you would like to pay your respects, there will be 2 services both held in Palm Springs at the Weifels Mortuary / 690 Vella Rd / P.S. The first service is this Thursday from 1-4 pm and the second service will be held at the same place on Saturday from 3-6 pm.
Don't forget that the BOG elections are approaching and you must nominate yourself by putting your name on the score sheet along with nomination for BOG. The elections will be held on week nine of play so there isn't much time get your name on the ballot.
This coming Sunday will be our 7 8 9 tournament being held at Penthouse with registration at 12:00 noon and play starting at 1:00 pm.
All the best,
Brad Camac
President LAPL